Belgisch Centrum voor Geleidehonden vzw -- Belgian Centre for Guide Dogs
Fondation I See -- I See Foundation
Hrvatska Udruga Za Skolovanje Pasa Vodica I Mobilitet -- Croatian Guide Dog and Mobility Association
Pes Partner
Pes Pro Tebe
Výcvik vodicích psů
SONS - Czech Blind Union
Danish Association of the Blind (DAB) - Dansk Blindesamfund
MTÜ Pane Oma Meeled Proovile/NGO Challenge
Opaskoirayhdistys ry -- Finnish Association of Guide Dog Users
Suomen Opaskoirakoulu Oy - Finnish Guide Dog School
Federation Francaise des Associations de Chiens Guides d'Aveugles -- French Federation of Guide Dog Associations, FFAC
Association Nationale des Maîtres de Chiens Guides -- National Association of Masters of Guide Dogs for the Blind, ANM’ Chiens Guides
Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband eV DBSV -- DBSV, Registered Association for the Blind and Partially Sighted
Assistance Dogs Foundation PfotenPiloten
Hessische Blindenführhundschule
Lara Guide Dog School
Friends for Life
Nina Service Dogs
Liberty Assistance and Guide Dogs
Baráthegyi Vakvezeto és Segíto Kutya Iskola Alapítvány -- Barathegyi Guide Dog School and Relief Foundation
Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (MVGYOSZ)
Blindrafélagið Icelandic Association of the Visually Impaired (BIAVI)
Irish Dogs for the Disabled
Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e Degli Ipovedenti -- UICI -- Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted
AICA Associazione Italiana Cani
Chiens Guides d'Aveugles au Luxembourg / Guide Dogs for the Blind in Luxembourg
Malta Guide Dog Foundation
Norges Førerhundforbund – Norwegian Guide Dog Association
Lund Dog Services
Fundacja na rzecz Osób Niewidomych Labrador Pies Przewodnik
ABAADV - Associação Beira Aguieira de Apoio ao Deficiente Visual
Fundatia Light into Europe -- Foundation Light into Europe
Psi na Zivot/Dogs for Life
Slo-Canis -- Slovenian Instructors Association, Centre for Guide Dogs and Assistance Dogs
Fundación ONCE del Perro-Guía -- Guide Dog Foundation ONCE
Asociacion d'Usuaris de Gossos Pigall de Catalunya AUGPC
Synskadades Riksförbund -- Swedish Association for the Visually Impaired
Sveriges Ledarhundsförare -- Swedish Federation of Guide Dog Users
GDOM Consultant AB
Rehber Köpekler Derneg -- Guide Dogs Association in Turkey
Ankara Assistance Dog School (Ankara Asistan Köpek Okulu)
Circle of Guide Dog Owners (no website)
National Federation of the Blind of the UK
Psychiatric Assistance Dogs Foundation